Urban Gardens

Icon with tree and flower with gardens and forestry writtenThe VCU Sustainability Urban Gardens Program provides opportunities to learn about gardening, growing fresh produce and furthering food education. Much of the program revolves around community gardening, consisting of a piece of land gardened collectively by a group of people utilizing either individual or shared plots. VCU's community garden is publicly functioning in terms of ownership, access and organization and provides the following benefits:

  • Helps alleviate food insecurity at VCU and in Richmond via regular produce donations to our community partners, including the VCU Ram Pantry.
  • Provides hands-on, educational opportunities related to gardening, food access and food systems.
  • Offers and cares for growing spaces for students, staff and faculty on campus, and creates universally-accessible spaces that enrich the lives of those in our community.

MCV Campus Community Garden

The community garden on the MCV Campus provides the VCU community with space to grow their own food and floors. Garden members pay a modest fee to rent one of 35 raised bed plots and the fees are reinvested into upkeep and maintenance of the garden. Learn more.

Monroe Park Campus Learning Garden

The learning garden on the Monroe Park Campus works with the VCU and Richmond communities to increase access to healthy food as well as provide education around how healthy food can be grown and prepared. Learn more.

Integrated sustainable urban design

Throughout the VCU campuses, you can find integrated sustainable urban design that consists of landscaping that manages stormwater runoff, green roofs, pollinator gardens and native plants. VCU also offers educational programs that teach students, faculty and staff about the benefits of gardening.

Microgreens lab

VCU Sustainability has partnered with VCU Environmental Studies faculty to establish a microgreens lab which focuses on sustainable indoor food production. The lab is open to all students, with no prerequisites required, and offers a one-credit course that is entirely student-run and oversee by the LGC and faculty lead. 

Contact and follow us

learningarden@vcu.edu | follow us on Instagram

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