Virginia Sustainability in Higher Education Network
The Virginia Sustainability in Higher Education (VASHE) Network is composed of sustainability professionals working in institutions of higher education across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Participants communicate via an email listserv, conference calls and an annual in-person day-long meeting.
VASHE seeks to provide professionals with opportunities to share best practices, resources and lessons learned, and collaborate across a wide range of sustainability initiatives in higher education.
By group consensus, membership is open to individuals who are full or part-time sustainability employees at an institution of higher education in Virginia. To request membership, visit: VASHE Google Group.
Two volunteer positions are filled by group consensus to manage the listserv, facilitate calls, serve as a liaison to the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, and coordinate the annual network meeting.
Leadership (2024-25)
Virginia Commonwealth University
Ann Kildahl, Director of Sustainability
Piedmont Virginia Community College
Scott Jefferies, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
Member institutions
- Christopher Newport University
- Eastern Mennonite University
- Emory & Henry College
- Ferrum College
- George Mason University
- Hollins University
- James Madison University
- University of Lynchburg
- Mary Baldwin University
- Northern Virginia Community College
- Piedmont Virginia Community College
- Radford University
- Randolph College
- University of Richmond
- University of Virginia
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Virginia Military Institute
- Virginia Tech
- Washington and Lee
- William and Mary